Founded in 2020, Empire Spray Werkz is relatively young. However, the spray painters have more than 10 years of experience in this industry and are equipped with rich knowledge in spray painting.

At Empire Spray Werkz, we specialised in special effect paint such as holographic colours, super shift colours and candy colours. You can be reassured that your car is in good hands at Empire Spray Werkz as only quality paints and lacquers are used on your vehicle to achieve optimal results.

Despite the advance in technology, Empire Spray Werkz still depends on both hands to beautify your car. We ensure your desired colour is achieved, and your car outshine the rest on the road with beautiful paintwork.

Empire Spray Werkz also provides you a 1-Year Warranty for the paintwork we have done. We do not only care for your car when it is at the workshop, we also care for your car after you left the premises!